
Music Educators | Innovative Practitioners

The music educator must show a thorough understanding of their subject content and pedagogical knowledge so that their students may have the necessary information for them to succeed. It is also important for the music educator to have a multitude of teaching techniques under their belt, since what may work for one student or group of students may not always be an effective teaching tool for another student or group of students.

Rehearsal from Carl Hayden High School

Sight Reading Practice Carl Hayden High School

Corona del Sol Holiday Concert

Rehearsal from Corona del Sol High School

Working with students on controlling dynamics in their music, being careful to not let the quiets get too loud in order to add contrast with the louder section of this piece.

Recruitment Video

Self Reflection

Our group chose to focus our recruiting video on the instruments as much as possible. Each person had a segment where they gave a description of the instrument, and the possibilities available for the students if they were to choose that instrument, as well as a short playing demonstration. Had we had a bit more time with this project, it would’ve have been helpful to also include some sort of ensemble playing demonstration. Perhaps it may even be a good idea to showcase instruments both in a traditional ensemble setting, as well as small/chamber ensemble setting. After the assignment was over, it occurred to me that it would also be extremely beneficial to include different styles of music being played by the same instrument. Working as a group definitely brought the advantage of six different brains all sharing a wide variety of ideas. We are then able to choose from that pool of ideas the best ones that suit our needs.

Rhythm Reading Lesson Plan (November 2022)

"Sous le Ciel de Paris" Edith Piaf

Sample Score
Length of Lesson: 30 Minutes

Materials: student instruments, metronome, score, music stands, sheet music

Class Setting: Symphonic Band 1-2 class consisting of students with at least one year of musical experience, comprised of 9th through 12th grade students.

Standards Addressed:

Lesson Objectives:

Personal Objective: I will provide direct feedback and formative assessment to the class and provide frequent checks for understanding


6.   Students add in the second “upbeat” of their part at letter K.
a. Instruct students to listen to the other parts, but to not let the other parts affect their own!

a. Instruct students to listen to the other parts, but to not let the other parts affect their own!
9. Repeat a few times until we near 80% to 100% rhythmic accuracy.

Closing Activity: Instructor will offer the challenge of asking what student is able to play as much of the exercise as possible with 100% accuracy before a mistake is made

Assessment: The student is able to play the rhythms at Rehearsal Letter K with a steady tempo of at least 180bpm

Sample Lesson Plan (November 2019)

"Hanukkah Dance" Matt Conaway 

Length of Lesson: 10 Minutes

Materials: baton, iPad/score, computer, metronome, speaker/sound system

Class Setting: Wind Ensemble consisting of sophomore, junior, and senior year band students. Students have had at least 3+ years of experience.

Standards Addressed (State and/or National): 

Lesson Objectives Addressed: 



Sample Lesson Plan (October 2019)

Post-Concert Reflection

Length of Lesson: 15 Minutes

Materials: scores, computer, sound system

Class Setting: Advanced middle school ensemble consisting of a mix of 7th of and 8th graders.  

Standards Addressed (State and/or National): 

Lesson Objectives Addressed: 



Sample Lesson Plan (September 2019)

“Windsprints” Richard Saucedo  

Length of Lesson: 20 Minutes

Materials: “Windsprints” score, baton, whiteboard, whiteboard marker, metronome/loudspeaker, instrument

 Class Setting: Wind Ensemble consisting of sophomore, junior, and senior year band students. Students have had at least 3+ years of experience. 

Standards Addressed (State and/or National): 

Lesson Objectives Addressed: 



Sample Lesson Plan (May 2018)

Lesson Plan for Introducing a Section of a Piece 

Materials: score, baton

Percussion: Timpani*, Wood Block, Snare Drum, Tom-Tom*, Crash Cymbals, 2 Suspended Cymbals, Chimes, Bass Drum, Marimba, Triangle, Bells, Tam-Tam, Vibraphone